The Motivational Gift of Giving

Purpose of the gift of giving: Purpose of the gift of giving: During holidays and birthdays, we often think of the gift of giving. Even though we all give gifts to our friends and family, some are gifted to operate with another type of giving: the motivational gift of giving. The two scenarios are not the same.

Those who have been given the motivational gift of giving have a deep desire to help meet practical needs all throughout the year, not just on special occasions. It is also used to meet the various needs of people who do not have the means to provide fully for themselves, no matter the reason.

Givers can be ministries, organizations, the church body, as well as individuals. It is a motivation for some who are enabled by the Lord to give cheerfully; they get immense joy when their own giving is an answer to prayer. These individuals use the gift to help others to let them know they are noticed by God, not forgotten in their distress. Children who operate with this beautiful motivational gift have an uncanny intuition about who to give to.

Luke 12:27-28 – Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not . . . If then God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?

The Greek word for the spiritual gift of giving is Metadidomi. It simply means to impart or to give. However, this word is accompanied in Romans 12:8 by another descriptive word: Haplotes. This word means, sincerely, generously and without pretense or hypocrisy. No strings attached; opposite from the give to get philosophy.

Givers not only give of their substance, but they are also committed to those they love and are supportive of their friends—a strong trait of the giver. They are not too thrilled to receive but prefer to give. They are incredibly wise in their purchasing and have a desire to give quietly to effective projects.

Character traits of the child with the Gift of Giving

There is nothing more fun than watching a child with this gift in action. As a giver, your child feels that the best way he can give of himself is to give his material possessions away. They have a desire to feel and become part of a supported cause. They are often looking for needs and spending their life on others.

Meet Maria the Giver in book #3:

In book #3 of the, "Anna’s Friend’s Children’s Book Series", The Hayride, we learn about the gift of beautiful Gift of Giving. She shows this gift in action in interesting story form for you or your children to learn and enjoy more about this wonderful motivational gift. In addition to the character traits above, these children are those we would classify as a “lifetime best friend”- commonly known as BFF’s – because of their supportive nature.

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